Less is truly more!

Happy Holidays to All!

What a glorious time of year this is, family, food, friends, more food! All of this togetherness also brings a lack of schedule, lots of sugar and a wee bit of indulgence for the children in our lives. That is why the blog this month is about giving less!

When it is time to make a request of your child that you would like them to follow and they push back, simply deliver a one liner response to whatever challenge that they give you. Be sure that your one liner is filled with compassion and sincerity, never sarcasm. This provides them with no fuel to their fire and no where to go with the argument. It also gives you no choice but to stay calm. Examples of one liners are:

I love you too much to argue.
I know.
What did I say?
Thanks for sharing.

and when their comeback is particularly outrageous, you could add “Nice try but what did I say?” to the mix.

It is truly best to practice your one liner and make sure the delivery feels natural to you and can be said with the utmost sincerity and love. Our ability to stay calm and not react the way they hope to push us too, is what diffuses the disagreement.

Thus the reason, less is truly more in this situation. The less we give them in terms of verbiage, the less they have to work with when trying to get us to back down on the request.

And that’s what Ms. Marinos says!

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